Many means have been used over time to correct vision. The monocle and eyeglass on a stick came before prescription eyeglasses that had first had limited styles. As technology improved, lenses for glasses were getting smaller.
A lot of people were looking for eyeglasses to wear that they didn’t have to worry about being lost or getting broken. Contact lenses were great but expensive when they came along. You would have to get new lenses if you lost them or dropped them.
Someone I knew lost a contact lens and developed an eye infection. The doctor found on examination that the lens had slipped out of place. Rigid contact lenses took some getting used to. People wanted softer lenses that were flexible, and easy to put in.
People wanted lenses they could wear all the time because the softer lenses had to be removed and cleaned every night. As more people were able to afford contacts because of the lower prices they got sick and tired of cleaning them and the expense of all the cleaning solutions needed.
It would be wonderful if contact lenses could be disposed of at night and people could get rid of the cleaning solutions. Disposable lenses came out in 1987 and were designed to be worn for a certain period of time before you needed to dispose of them.
There are terms and explanations that will help you understand disposable contact lenses. Contact lenses that can be worn for up to two weeks, discarded and replaced are called disposable lenses. Frequent Replacement lenses are replaced anytime from one to three months.
Every six months traditional/reusable lenses are replaced if not before. You can wear Extended Wear lenses for up to two weeks even while you sleep. The need for cleaning solutions is eliminated with daily disposables because they are removed and discarded every night.
Together with your doctor the right replacement schedule for you will be decided on. How you wear your contacts will help determine how often your will need to remove, replace, and/or discard them. Day and night Contact Lenses – You wear these lenses day and night for up to 30 days.
After they are removed you get rid of them. The best idea in my opinion is the use of Day and Night Contact Lenses if you can tolerate them. Think about what you can do with the extra time you will have since you won’t be cleaning your lenses every night.
You eyes will be healthier the more often you replace your lenses. Your eyes could be come very uncomfortable and you could become prone to eye infections because over time lipids, proteins, and calcium could build up on them.
Some reasons to wear disposable lenses are for theatrical purposes and color changer lenses are often used. Among the wide variety of contact lenses available are animal eye lenses and those with company logos. What are the benefits, if there are any of disposable contact lenses?
Lenses are sterile and there is a lower risk of infections. There is little time for calcium, proteins, and lipids to build up on them. You will have clearer vision with them. They are not to be used with any cleaning solutions.
Storing cleaning solutions and having them is no longer necessary. The ideal lens for people with allergies is the daily disposable lenses especially during allergy seasons. If you only wear contacts a few times a week, these are great. If you wear contacts only a few times during the week, these are cheaper.
If your lose them or you rip your lenses simply throw them out and open a new package. There are greater benefits to disposable contacts than there are to eyeglasses. Many carry glasses just in case something happens to their contacts. Discuss the use of any contact lenses including disposables with your eye care professional.
He should perform a thorough examination of your eyes as well. You can get a free trial period of wear for up to a week from some manufacturers, if you do the research. You can get disposable contact lenses from online and from traditional eye care/wear places.
You need a prescription for contact lenses no matter where you get them. You should know that not everyone can wear contacts, only you and your doctor can make that decision. Make sure you will be able to afford them.
Contact manufacturers for special offers and/or free trial periods. Check out what lenses are available for your personal prescription. You need to do what is best for you.