Diabetes Foot Care Tips

If you have diabetes information about how to manage your condition is vital to your well being.

If you don’t look after your feet you run the risk of developing sores or infections that could, in the worst case scenario, lead to amputations. As happened to my father-in-law. Reduce your risk of infection or amputation by incorporating these 7 foot care tips…

1) Check your feet daily – especially if you have low sensitivity or no feeling in your feet. Sores, cuts and grazes could go unnoticed and you could develop problems leading to amputations.

2) Don’t go around barefoot, even indoors. It’s easy to tread on something or stub your toes and cut yourself. Protect your feet with socks/stockings and

3) Be careful if you have corns or calluses. Check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to care for them.

4) Wash your feet daily in warm, NOT HOT water. And don’t soak your feet (even if you’ve been standing all day) because it could dry your skin and form cracks or sores.

5) Take extra care to dry your feet completely, especially between your toes. These are natural moisture traps – leaving them damp or wet could create all sorts of problems.

6) Exercise your legs and feet regularly. Even when sitting you can rotate your ankles; wiggle your toes or move your legs up and down. These all keep your blood circulation flowing and helps to minimize the risk of foot problems.

7) Get your feet professionally checked, at least once a year, for sensitivity and signs of any problems. You can usually arrange this when you have your annual check up for your AC1 levels (blood glucose levels over a 3-month period), blood pressure and cholesterol.

Take constant care of your feet. Get help from a relative or professional; Doctor, diabetic nurse or podiatrist if you are not able to bend when trimming nails or checking for sores. Taking these simple actions will help you reduce the risk of painful problems.

Diet for Diabetes

Since my diagnosis with diabetes at the age of eleven, my own diet has changed dramatically. I maintain my current healthy weight with a great diet/eating plan. If you do plan on losing more than about a stone in weight then I would visit your doctor for more tips on how to do this without risk.

I’ve had diabetes for seven years now, but to tell you that how I maintain weight is perfect would be totally wrong of me. However, I can advise you to follow my steps because I know what works and what doesn’t. Before I really begin I must also say that I have been brought up by great parents who taught me to eat everything, and so I do! If there is something that you don’t like, there are loads of other diabetic recipes and ideas that you will eat and appreciate.

I am a university student and I like to buy fresh and organic produce from where I live. I believe that this is important because it can be the most good for your body and contain more nutrients and vitamins than most supermarket produce. I like to source food from my fortnightly farmers market in town, which sells amazing meat and dairy produce and fresh in season fruit and vegetables. This is another important thing to remember, that eating fruit and vegetables in their season means that they will taste better as well as doing you good. I have a lot of influence from Western European cuisine (mainly France and Italy) as you will tell, but I do not profess to be a chef and everything is easy to make and very convenient.

I have read countless diet books and diabetic recipe/diet books, and I came to a conclusion that I think really works. I fused all the good things from the diets (but not from every diet) and sort of put together my own one. I call this my Juvenile Diabetes Healthy Diet!

The “rules” that I would lay down are as follows:

1. Cut back on snacks and then change the type of snacks you eat.
Certainly my biggest downfall although it wasn’t really apparent to me. When I first started at University, I had little or no routine which meant that filling my day was difficult and popping into the kitchen for a snack, no matter how healthy it felt, was a regular occurence. This is one of the hardest things to do for some people, but establishing a great routine is essential to great diabetes care. The types of snacks to be eating are unsalted nuts, dried unsweetened fruit, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables (I love fresh red pepper and cucumber), dark chocolate (richer and nicer and you only want 2 squares usually).

2. Cut back on white flour and embrace wholemeal carbs.
This is the most essential part of your diet, and the thing that can show the biggest increase in loss of weight. Some diets in fact jsut focus on this point, and are very successful. Wholemeal (especially stoneground wholemeal) is so good for you and has so much more flavour in it that switching is much easier than you think. Most people are really surprised at the ranges you can get in you supermarket, again remember that the bread that is best for you is the one that is freshest with least perservatives or added ingredients. Also, brown or basmati rice is great with a lovely nutty texture. Wholemeal pasta is great and for your potatoes I would totally recommend the smaller new potatoes.

3. Stop drinking cocktails, start drinking wine.
Cocktails are full of sugar, colourants and preservatives. As a student I have had loads of practice at going out and not drinking cocktails, so my drink of choice is Malibu and Diet Coke if I feel I have to drink something and I make it last all night. I can then top up with Diet Coke (which has almost no sugar in it) and it looks as though I am drinking Malibu, who is to know. If you are out at a restaurant, red wine is much better than anything else you can order, (except water of course!) and it has been proven that the anti-oxidants in red wine are great for keeping a healthy heart. The recommended amount is one glass a day with your evening meal.

4. Start cooking more fruit and vegetables.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. And there are so many different ways in which to cook vegetables, but I find that raw is the best followed closely by steamed. Both of these ways preserve all their natural goodness as well. I will follow this post with another diabetes recipes post.

5. Drink more water.
I know you have heard people say this many times before, but the benefits of drinking more water are endless. A few tips on how to get more water into your day are firstly to put bottles of water at all the places you go in the house or work. So keep one in your desk, on your desk, a glass in the kitchen, the bedroom, the sitting room, etc. Try and drink all these glasses up and you will be well on your way to 8 glasses a day. The trick is to add a glass every few days or so, if you try to drink all that water in one go you won’t be so inclined to drink 8 glasses again, trust me! Have a go, it’s amazing how great you will feel.

Diabetes Travel Tips

Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress. This is particularly important for a diabetic. These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management. They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.

1) Have a pre-travel check-up. Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK. Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.

2) Wear a diabetes medical ID. Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you’re visiting. Not everyone speaks your language and you don’t want medical problems through misunderstandings.

3) Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage. Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don’t risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.

4) Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels. It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes.

5) Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch. Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer. You may need to alter the timings of your medication.

Traveling need not be traumatic. A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.


Zyrtec is an antihistamine. Antihistamines prevent sneezing, runny nose, itching and watering of the eyes, and other allergic symptoms. Zyrtec is used to treat allergies, hives (urticaria), and other allergic inflammatory conditions.

How Taken

Zyrtec comes as a tablet to take it orally. It usually is taken once a day. It may be taken regularly or when allergy symptoms flare up. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take Zyrtec exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.


Before taking this medication, tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease. You may need a lower dose or special monitoring during your therapy with Zyrtec. Zyrtec is in the FDA pregnancy category B. This means that it is unlikely to harm an unborn baby. Do not take Zyrtec without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant. Zyrtec passes into breast milk and may affect a nursing baby. Do not take Zyrtec without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. If you are over 60 years of age, you may be more likely to experience side effects from Zyrtec. You may require a lower dose of this medication.

Missed Dose

If you forget to take a dose, do not take an extra tablet to catch up for the dose you forgot. Wait and take your next tablet at the regular time. Do not take more tablets than your doctor prescribed.

Possible Side Effects

Stop taking Zyrtec and seek emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives). Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take Zyrtec and talk to your doctor if you experience sleepiness, fatigue, or dizziness; headache; or dry mouth. Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.


Store at 20-25°C (68-77°F); excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F).


Seek emergency medical attention. Symptoms of a Zyrtec overdose are not well known, but extreme sleepiness, confusion, and weakness may be expected.

More Information

Use caution when driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities. Zyrtec may cause dizziness or drowsiness. If you experience dizziness or drowsiness, avoid these activities. Use alcohol cautiously. Alcohol may increase drowsiness and dizziness while you are taking Zyrtec.

Your Eyes Needs Exercise Too

The study, published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, found that exercise, particularly strength training, affected mood in individuals over 62. According to Arent, one reason for that is what strength training does for seniors’ self-esteem. “Strength training prevents loss of muscle mass and bone density, conditions that can interfere with the independence and quality of life of an older person,” he says. “Mundane tasks that were once difficult, such as grocery shopping, are no longer an issue.” And when an older person can resume abandoned physical activities, like playing with grand-kids or gardening, it’s amazing how quickly his or her depression lifts.

Eye Exercise
Rub your hands together to make them warm. (You can shake them or hold them in front of a heat vent if you prefer) Then close your eyes. Cover your eyes with your warm hands. Make sure your hands do not touch your eyelids and that you do not rest your cheekbones on your hands. If you want to place the weight of your head on your hands, put the weight on the forehead. Then look at the dark. If you see spots or zaps of light, wait till you see the dark. Don’t hurry. Do this at least twice a day for 5 to 15 minutes.

Exercise also helps lower your blood pressure. Your lungs will also benefit from exercise as they become better conditioned so that activities such as climbing stairs will not make you out of breath. Muscles that are not used become small and inelastic, but aerobic exercise will help tone your body by increasing muscle size, strength and flexibility while burning calories. Exercise can also help alleviate stress and make you more productive, so choose something that you enjoy and stick with it.

Arm Exercise
1. bend your arms so that there is a 90 degrees angle at the elbow
2. swing the arms forward and backward so the elbow is high at the back
3. try not to swing the arms to high or across the body in the front (hands should not be above shoulder height nor should they cross the midpoint of your body
4. keep the angle at the elbows at 90 degrees throughout the swings

It seems that almost everyone from time to time will use family life as an excuse for not having any time to exercise, missing out on even a single exercise benefit.

Your Eyes Have It

Your eyes demand attention whenever you are talking to someone or even glancing in their direction. They are an important feature of your face and the skin around the eyes can bring the eyes to healthy life or contribute to a dull, lifeless look.

Naturally as you age the skin surrounding the eyes develops fine lines and deeper wrinkles. This is because the delicate skin around the eyes is very different to the rest of the skin on your face. It is much thinner and in fact has very few oil glands which can keep it naturally moisturized. This means its dries out faster and being thin, if not treated gently can stretch and tear, causing bags and sagging.

For this reason is it important to treat the eye area gently and don’t wipe or rub the eyes harshly, instead just patting the area without pulling is recommended.

Puffiness around the eyes is common on waking but can remain throughout the day for a variety of reasons including tiredness, smoking, drinking alcohol, diet and even hormonal changes. If you do have a problem with puffy eyes try elevating your head slightly at night on a higher pillow and drinking plenty of water throughout the day to cleanse out your blood system. One cause of puffiness can be as simple as the cream you are using. Eyes are naturally sensitive and will water continuously to cleanse them of impurities. When using creams around the eye area make sure you don’t apply them too closely to the eye and seek out natural skin care creams without harsh chemicals and additives.

The cream will ‘creep about 1 centimeter by itself so just apply creams on the bone below the eye area. The cream will make its way further on the skin but not into the eyes themselves. When applying eye cream place a little of the cream onto your ring finger and gently pat the cream around the eye and dab gently to absorb, do not rub. You only need to apply a tiny amount of cream around the eye to bring satisfactory results in fact too much cream can irritate and cause the puffiness you are trying to avoid.

At LanaB we have developed a 100% natural eye cream that can be used safely around the eye area without causing irritation. Included in the ingredients are Jojoba and Avocado oils as well as Vitamins A and E, these combine to treat fine lines and wrinkles effectively and moisturize and balance the skin around the eyes.

Your Eye Vitamins Report

While there is no single pill that will restore perfect vision or optimal eye health, there is new evidence from Bausch and Lomb Pharmaceuticals that certain minerals and vitamins may be part of the eye’s normal defense system against damage.

The formulation of high-potency zinc and the anti-oxidants vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A (as beta-carotene), selenium and copper have been shown to be effective in assisting the eye’s defenses against certain degenerative conditions.

The formulation, called OCUVITE, developed by B&L Pharmaceuticals, was based on clinical and research studies that suggested that deficiencies in dietary zinc and antioxidant micronutrients occur in patients who are at possible risk of developing macular degeneration and other ophthalmic conditions.

National surveys have demonstrated that the elderly, the population most at risk for macular degeneration, are frequently found to have inadequate diets that are often deficient in zinc and other micronutrients. The retina normally has one of the highest concentrations of zinc in the body, and researchers have suggested that zinc plays a vital role in the metabolism of the retina. In patients with macular degeneration or cataracts, long-term oxidative damage is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis. Zinc and antioxidant micronutrients may be part of the eye’s normal defense system against oxidative damage.

Ocuvite, containing more zinc than any leading multivitamin/multimineral product, provides the eye doctor with a dietary supplement that may be useful in the patient whose diet is deficient in zinc and antioxidant micronutrients.

Zinc is an important cofactor of many enzymes and an essential mineral for tissue repair, skeletal and tooth development, metabolism, protection of the liver from chemical damage, maintaining the proper concentration of vitamin A in the blood, and for white blood cells to function in the immune system.

Ocuvite and Ocuvite Extra is a fortified combination of antioxidants, select B-vitamins and zinc and is based upon the most recent clinical publications on antioxidants. It is the #1 recommended supplement by eye care specialists.

We’ll keep you posted about further vitamin and mineral developments that may help strengthen the eyes and improve deteriorating vision.

If you would like additional information on the product OCUVITE or would like to order these vitamin and mineral supplements please email us at eyewear@framesdirect.com.

Yours in eye health,

Dr. Dhavid Cooper

Your Eye Secrets Report

Eyewear consumers most often are concerned about:
1. Is there a trick behind the 50% off sale?
2. Are ‘add-ons’ like UV and scratch protection really worth it?
3. Is ‘Buy one, Get one FREE’ possible?
4. How do I know I’m getting the right frame for my prescription?
5. Why is there such a difference in price between optical stores?
6. Is there a difference in eyeglass lenses?
7. How do I know if I’m paying too much for my frame?


In this brief report we’ll try and answer a few of these questions.


Let’s use a common sense approach when evaluating this offer. It’s not very likely a business would offer a product for less than their purchase price of the product. So when optical companies run 50% off sales one of two things is happening. They want to get rid of outdated merchandise or the product mark up is inflated to begin with. How else could they afford to discount the product 50% and still make any profit?

Most 50% OFF sales advertise discontinued frames. While this can save you money, be careful of being enticed to buy a product that is outdated. Replacing a broken temple piece or a broken discontinued frame can be difficult if not impossible.
Fifty percent off sales are also frequently on frames that have been marked up by 3 to 31/2 times their cost, and then reduced by 50 percent. So you end up paying almost regular retail on a frame that is advertised at 50% off.

Often on 50% off sales you will notice an offer that discounts the frame only if you purchase the ‘premium’ lenses.

THIS IS THE CATCH!! You WILL overpay for these lenses. They are often priced higher than regular lenses. So you think you’re getting a good deal because the frame is half-priced. Shop around for lens prices in your area. You’ll be better prepared when investigating the 50% off sale.

Be sure to read the fine print in the advertisements.

Stores that run 50% OFF sales 365 days a year are simply marking up product to reduce it. This is very misleading. You might even notice that some optical stores have 50% OFF as a permanent business practice.
There are less expensive and easier ways to save money and get real quality frames and lenses at a very affordable price.



This is an area of great profit for most optical companies, and is ‘easy money’.

Many opticals give generous commissions and sales incentives to sales staff based solely on the number of tints, scratch coatings, ultra-violet protection, edge polishing and service agreements sold.

For little cost to them, the optical business can substantially increase the price of an eyeglass sale using ‘add-ons.’

Add-ons can amount to over 30% of the cost of a pair of glasses, often giving the company excessive and outrageous profits.

Buy only the protective coatings that you need. Specialty lenses, like hi-index lenses and polycarbonate material automatically come with scratch protection and ultraviolet coatings from the manufacturer.
So you DON’T NEED TO PAY AN ADD-ON FEE to have these coatings added! They are already on the lenses!

Again, do not overpay. If your prescription requires hi-index or polycarbonate lenses, the lenses have ultraviolet and scratch protection coatings already impregnated in the lens.

Oftentimes, if pressed to make the sale, some optical companies will provide scratch protection, UV coating and edge polishing for half the price! Negotiate and insist on a discount.



In this promotion, while the second pair is advertised as FREE, the ‘free frame’ is not an identical one to the first frame of the purchase. The ‘free frame’ is usually one selected from a special collection in the store. These cheap frames cost the optical store about $2 to $4 each.

You are overcharged ‘full’ price for the first pair and told you get a second pair free.

The lenses used to fill the prescription in the free pair are often cheap, uncoated lenses. Is the optical giving away a free pair?

Not really!

The store makes money from this promotion by encouraging the consumer to purchase an ‘add-on’ package of coatings. These coatings are scratch protection, ultraviolet coating and a tint. A total for all three options may cost you from $29 to $59.

So the optical will make anywhere from $23 to $53 on your FREE pair!

In reality, you are overpaying for your first pair and getting a poor quality frame for the second pair.



The optical industry considers a ‘cheap’ frame to be one that costs the optical store anywhere from $1 to $7. Yes, believe it or not, there are imported eyeglass frames that cost as little as $1 which some optical stores sell for $39 to $99!

In many optical stores these frames are often found:
– in the ‘Spare Pair’ section
– with ‘Buy One Get One FREE’ promotions
– combined with a Contact Lens promotion
– with certain Vision Insurance Plans
– often advertised, ‘$79 Complete Pair of Glasses’.

The frames are usually made in the Far East of low grade material. They will often tarnish easily. Cheap frames won’t stay in adjustment, the arm coatings will often chip, the screws will loosen and the frame will break easily.

Be very careful about spending your money on these frames.

Name brand or designer frames do not fall into this category. You can almost be assured that any well known designer name frame is made of superior quality material, will hold alignment longer and won’t tarnish easily.



There are usually two components to any eyewear prescription.

You are either nearsighted, which means you can see at near but not at a distance, or farsighted, which means the opposite.

About 70% of eyeglass wearers also have some form of astigmatism. This simply means that the front part of the eye, the cornea, has 2 different curvatures (like a football). So lenses are designed with two different curves to compensate for the shape of the eye to correct the astigmatism.

Here’s an example of an eyeglass prescription:
OD -3.00/-1.50 X 180
OS 2.50/-1.00 X 165

This is what it means.
OD is a latin abbreviation for the right eye.
OS is a latin abbreviation for the left eye.
The first number (-3.00 in the example) is called the sphere. This tells the optician what power to make the lens to correct the nearsightedness (-) or farsightedness ( ). In our example the right eye (OD) is nearsighted and the left eye (OS) is farsighted.
The numbers after the (/) refer to the amount of astigmatism. The (X) is an abbreviation for the word ‘axis’ and the numbers 180 and 165 indicate the placement in degrees of the astigmatic lens.


If your prescription is less than -2.50 or 2.50 almost any size and shape frame will be suitable for your prescription. You do not require hi-index or thin and light prescription lenses. Any frame with regular plastic lenses will have an acceptable edge thickness and should look cosmetically pleasing to you.

For prescriptions of -2.50 to -4.00 you should choose a frame with an eye size of 54 or less. The size is written on the inside arm of the frame. If you have to have a frame with a larger size because of style or face shape, then make sure you get hi-index or the thin and light lens. Otherwise, your lenses will have thick edges.

Do not choose a rimless frame if your prescription is over -2.50 unless you use a high index lens, or edge thickness of the lens will be a problem.

For prescriptions of -4.00 to -6.00 it is advisable to order your lenses in a hi-index material and to keep the frame size as small as possible. This will ensure that your glasses look the thinnest.

If you are unsure about which lenses are best suited for your prescription, or if you have a very difficult or high prescription call 1-800-248-9427 and ask for Lens Information and Assistance.

Trained personnel will help you understand your prescription and which lenses you should use. The service is FREE.



There are many single vision lens materials, but the most commonly used polymer is a plastic material known as CR-39. Because of its light weight, it is very comfortable and can be tinted almost any color and density.

However, certain manufacturers of CR-39 lenses produce a low quality and inferior product. Often, the lenses will be warped, causing ‘soft spots’ of poor vision throughout the lenses.

Manufacturers that create exceptionally high optical quality lenses, all of which can be ordered with a very effective scratch protection coating, are SEIKO, SILOR and SOLA.

Thin-plastic (hi-index) and light lenses are also available. The refractive index of this material is higher than regular plastic lenses. This means that a thinner lens can do the same job that a thicker lens would normally do. These lenses are about 35% thinner and lighter than regular plastic lenses.

Be aware, however, there are different grades and qualities of these lenses. The higher the refractive index, the thinner the lens.

The best quality hi-index lenses have a refractive index of 1.60 or 1.66. Some opticals still use lenses with a 1.54 refractive index, but charge the price of a 1.60 lens, because John Q. Public doesn’t know the difference. If your prescription requires hi-index lenses, insist on 1.60 or 1.66 refractive hi-index lenses for best quality and thinnest lenses.

We recommend the following hi-index lenses:
– Silor Thin & Lite 1.60 refractive index
– Pentax THC 1.60 refractive index
– Pentax 1.66 Ultrathin with anti-reflective
– Seiko Super 16 MX
– Seiko Super 16 diacoat
– Optima Aspheric 1.66
– Optima Aspheric 1.60
– Optima Hyper 1.60
– Any Sola product

Another material, called Polycarbonate, is often marketed as a thin and light lens. It is softer than CR-39, may scratch and can’t be tinted as dark as plastic lenses. It definitely is lighter and thinner than regular plastic. Many opticals promote this material over hi-index because it costs less, yet they often charge the same price as hi-index lenses.

Polycarbonate is extremely resistant to shattering, so it is recommended for children or persons needing safety eye protection. However, the newerhi-index lenses sometimes have superior optics compared to polycarbonate which occassionally has some peripheral distortion. If you are being sold a thinner and lighter lens, ask if it is polycarbonate or hi-index plastic.


Eye Diseases

In a year where an estimated 2.8 million baby boomers will celebrate their 60th birthday, age-related eye disease has become an important health issue.

The American Optometric Association (AOA) reminds Americans 60 and older that early detection through a comprehensive eye exam can prevent or slow vision loss due to cataracts and other age-related eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

“Today’s 60-year-olds are more health conscious than 60-year-olds 20 years ago,” said Richard C. Edlow, O.D., AOA information and data committee chairman. “Being better informed about health risks, improved technology and treatment options has not necessarily translated into including regular eye examinations into their health care routine.”

The National Eye Institute estimates that over the next 30 years, the number of blind or visually impaired Americans will double. Some eye diseases have no symptoms in the early stages, when it is most critical to help slow the progression of vision loss.

The AOA developed the Baby Boomer’s Checklist for Healthy Vision. Are you:

• Someone with diabetes, hypertension or any other systemic or chronic disease?

• At risk for certain systemic or eye diseases because of family history or other factors?

• Having more difficulty reading smaller type, such as books and newspapers?

• Experiencing frequent head-aches after working on a computer?

• Doing a great deal of reading and other close work?

• Rubbing your eyes frequently or having tired or burning eyes?

• Losing track of a person or objects in your peripheral (side) vision?

• Avoiding close work?

• Having difficulty driving at night?

• Experiencing frequent near misses, accidents or difficulty parking?

• Handling or using chemicals, power tools or lawn and garden equipment?

• Playing eye-hazardous sports such as racquetball, softball or tennis?

• Experiencing difficulty with eye-hand-body coordination?

• Playing sports and having trouble judging distances between you, the ball or other objects?

If you answered yes to any question on the checklist, be sure to make an appointment for a comprehensive eye examination. Even if you didn’t answer yes, don’t forget that symptoms of vision problems aren’t always apparent.

A comprehensive eye exam can help prevent vision loss.

Widen Your Eye Cue with Web Design

Web Design Delhi Website designing is defined as the arrangement and the creativity of the web pages. A web designing page is consists of the images and the text and we can say that the web page has the information or the data part. The original web page designers in the early 1990s.every page of the website are the HTML page and have its own address. In Macromedia Flash there a proprietary, full-bodied graphics animation and the application development program which are used to create and deliver dynamic content like as the sound and video and interactive applications over the web via the browser. Web Design Delhi gives lots of format for develop the website. Lots of graphic artists use Flash presentation because it gives them exact control over every part of the design, and anything can be animated and generally. Some application designers enjoy flash because it lets them create web based applications that don’t have to be refreshed or go to a new web page every time an action occurs. Flash detractors maintain that Flash websites tend to be poorly designed, and often use confusing and non-standard user-interfaces. It is possible to specify alternate content to be displayed for browsers that do not support Flash. Using alternate content also helps search engines to understand the page, and can result in much better visibility for the page. The designers who are used to table-based layouts, they developed Web sites in CSS f replicating what can be done with tables, leading some to find CSS design rather awkward. For example, it is rather difficult to produce certain design elements, such as vertical positioning, and full-length footers in a design using absolute positions. There is separate various things which indicate in this site one can find the different variety of the web designing and more things like as the detail of the different fields means this site is related to the various aspects like as the job portal, website designing, cd multimedia presentation, outsourcing development Delhi. Web Design Delhi always gives new look to different web sites.

Why You Might Consider Enhancement After LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

Undoubtedly every patient and eye surgeon would want to accomplish the desired visual correction in the very first refractive surgery procedure. Surgeons typically conduct a comprehensive preoperative examination to determine whether the patient is a viable surgery candidate, and in order to predict the results of the refractive surgery. But unfortunately, it is difficult to accurately predict results in the case of higher refractive errors. Things gone awry during the preoperative examination or during the surgery itself may necessitate an enhancement surgery.

On certain occasions, the patient could well do without an enhancement surgery. Minor undercorrection and overcorrection can be treated through a technique called CLAPIKS (Contact Lens Assisted Pharmacologically Induced Kerato Steepening), which uses Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses to reshape the cornea and eye drops to make the cornea more malleable. However, other major issues may typically require enhancement surgery.

Even if your eye surgeon gives you the slightest hint of the requirement of an enhancement surgery, it is advised that you don’t hastily demand enhancement re-treatment. You must wait for the eyes to settle down to a fixed refraction, before you decide on having an enhancement. Most enhancements are carried out between 3 and 6 months after the first eye surgery. This is because it is common for the eye to regress back to a fixed refractive error, and enhancement should not be performed until the regression has resolved.

A hyperopic patient is more difficult to predictably correct via surgery when compared with a myopic patient. And therefore, a hyperopic patent is more likely to require an enhancement surgery. If your initial eye surgery was LASIK or IntraLASIK, the surgeon would typically lift the existing flap and cut out the corneal surface at the location of the original flap. Though the LASIK flap adheres to the stroma, it can still be lifted, thereby averting the need to create a new flap.

With the advances in laser technology and an increase in the experience of eye surgeons, enhancement cases have significantly dropped. However, some cases might still occur that necessitate enhancement surgery.

Enhancement surgery is not something to be anxious about, since an enhancement surgery would typically accomplish the desired results, which were somehow missed during the first surgery.

If you find a LASIK surgeon that you are confident with, you will be able to get more information about eye enhancement surgery.

Why Does The Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery Change

As far as the cost of LASIK eye surgery is concerned, the only worldwide standard is that prices are quoted per eye. However, the cost depends on several factors and varies from one provider to another. A strong reason behind such a variation is that different providers perform different levels of pre-operative testing. A thorough pre-operative examination can avoid LASIK complications, and hence it’s imperative to determine if appropriate pre-operative testing is included in the quoted price.

The cost of equipment used for pre-operative testing and surgery also varies, and this reflects in the overall procedure fee. Computer-controlled scanners to determine the exact shape of the cornea, eye tracking device, tear film analysis, the laser used to make incisions, and all other pertinent equipment vary in cost from one medical center to another.

A few unscrupulous practitioners may advertise their services at a discounted price. Don’t be fooled if an ad says, “LASIK for $500 per eye”. The truth is that not all patients are eligible for a discounted price. A particular patient may require an extensive refractive surgery in the first place, or frequent follow ups after the surgery. Furthermore, it is typically the case that a discounted price does not include the essential pre-operative testing. Hence, make sure what features are being offered for the quoted price. Cases have been reported where medical institutes have been found guilty of misrepresenting the actual cost of LASIK eye surgery.

As the popularity for LASIK eye surgery rises, so does the incurred cost. A leading refractive industry newsletter reported that the average cost for LASIK eye surgery in the second quarter of 2005 was 1,965 USD. The study was based on a comprehensive research of various medical facilities, ranging from regional practitioners to nationwide networks. Most insurance companies do not cover LASIK eye surgery, since they consider it as a cosmetic procedure.

People are tempted to choose a surgeon that offers a discounted price. But that may be an act of foolishness. The smarter thing is to choose the best surgeon available who has experience of this procedure. There is no point risking your vision for the sake of a petty few dollars.

If in doubt you should seek further information.

Why do we need eye creams

Believe it or not, your lifestyle takes a toll on your eyes. Eating and sleeping habits along with the growing age leave a visible impact on the soft tissues that guard your eyes from outside. These tissues don’t have any fat glands, which makes them the most sensitive organ in the human body. Everyday your eyes are exposed to dust, smoke and other irritants that have harmful effects.

Fine lines, wrinkles, mottled pigment are some of the symptoms of skin damage around eyes. Other aspects like skin color, skin tone also get affected. Eye creams have formulations that deal with these issues. With the prescribed use of these creams, your eyes will look young again.

Some of the advantages of eye creams are:-

• Very effective
• Absorb quickly
• Safe ingredients
• Reasonably price
• Wrinkle-reducer ingredients
• Match the pH level of your tears

An eye cream protects the delicate folds of your eyes from dehydration by supplying essential moisture to the thin walls (layers) of tissues that are often neglected. To protect your skin from withering and age prematurely, vitamins A and D are used within the formulation of eye cream. It’s because of the upper damaged layers of tissues that your eyes give tired and aged look. An eye cream that contains acids can clean up and remove these dead layers revealing fresh, younger skin from beneath.

Prolonged exposure to sun can cause maximum damage to the eyes. Absorbing sunlight may healthy for other parts of the body but not for the delicate skin around your eyes. Protect your eyes form the harmful rays of the sun. Use sun glasses when exposed to sun.

Remember, eyes are the most beautiful and sensitive part of human anatomy. A thin, fine line makes all the difference in times when being young is everything.

Which Birdie Has Your Husband Got His Eye on

Why is it that women/wives etc intend not to take much interest in their spouse’s past time of playing golf. How many ladies have sat back and denied themselves a game due to the fact that they feel that this game is not for them?

Don’t knock it till you try it there are great many women who enjoy swinging a golf stick on the green but sadly the female species consider retirement age is the best time to take up this sport. How wrong they are.

This is a game that provides the young and old with a mixture of emotions, happiness/contentment/peace/tranquillity and at the same time a guaranteed feeling of satisfaction.
Men and women who love the game to an extent where they reach a certain level love the fact that they are now in a position to qualify and play in tournaments.

Having confidence on the green is a great start for any novice. Learners can become paranoid where they experience a bout of nerves believing other golfers are there to poke fun. Believe me other avid enthusiasts on the golf course are to busy setting there sights on a hole in one and can not afford to be distracted by the next up and coming Tiger Woods or Mrs Woods

Women starting out will benefit by visiting the local driving range to brush up hitting the ball. Why you ask? Simple, it is not as easy as it looks therefore adding more fun to the game for beginners.
This Sport is enjoyed by millions worldwide so why not add you’re self to the list. The next time your husband/partner invites you to join him in a game/round of golf go for it.

Ladies ever felt something is missing in your life, do you have regrets of never snatching opportunities that passed you by. Ever had the feeling what your life was all about.
Well let me tell you life is about fulfilment and achievement. Depending on the individual the answer to your wish list of finding happiness may well just lie on a golf course.

Terms used in a game of golf relate to the names of our feathered friends Like Birdie an Eagle. Well let us kill two birds with one stone. Number one you get to play golf and secondly the most important is the quality time you get to spend with your spouse/partner.

And fingers crossed that the husband can keep his concentration on the birds that give him points not the chick he would most love to score with.

Consider Wavefront Guided LASIK Eye Surgery

In order to understand the effectiveness of wavefront-guided LASIK, we must first have a quick roundup on the natural imperfections of the eye. The cornea and the crystalline lens are not perfect, and light rays passing through the eye are subject to being distorted due to these imperfections. These distortions are termed as “aberrations”, which are categorized as lower order and higher order aberrations.

Lower order aberrations constitute a major chunk (90% or more) of these aberrations, and lead to the more prevalent refractive errors, such as farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. These vision anomalies can be compensated for by corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses, or can be treated through conventional surgical procedures like PRK, LASIK or LASEK. However, the remaining 10% optical aberrations, also known as higher order aberrations, give birth to anomalies that cannot be cured via conventional LASIK.

Such a scenario necessitates the use of wavefront-guided LASIK.

Since higher order aberrations are entirely unique to a particular patient, much like fingerprints, a wavefront analysis system (known as an Aberrometer) is used to measure these aberrations. The Aberrometer is digitally interfaced with a sophisticated, computer controlled laser, which is directed in a precise manner over the cornea. In essence, the laser custom sculpts the cornea – a completely customized reshaping of the corneal surface.

The procedure employed by the wavefront analyzer to measure higher order aberrations would appear quite complex to a layman.

At first, a ray of light is passed through the eye and is reflected off the retina as an outgoing wavefront. This wavefront is compared against a planar wavefront, in order to determine both lower and higher order aberrations. These aberrations are displayed on a monitor screen in the form of precise 3D images. This information is then used for a custom ablation of the cornea, with the aid of an excimer laser eye surgery system interfaced with the Aberrometer.

On the whole, the conventional LASIK procedure would suffice for the treatment of common lower order aberrations, such as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.

However, higher order visual defects normally call for a much advanced surgical procedure like wavefront-guided LASIK.

If you find a LASIK doctor that you are confident about you will be able to get more information about wavefront guided LASIK.

What You Should Know About Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery has been big news on the vision front. With many people flocking to have the procedure done it has become one of the most popular eye surgeries. The idea that lasik is a solution for anyone with bad vision also proves that much is unknown about lasik. Before committing to the surgery patients should look into what lasik is and what it can do for vision.

Lasik stands for laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. Lasik is where the surgeon cuts a small flap in the cornea and then uses a laser to reshape the inner area of the cornea. The cornea can be related to many vision issues. Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), and Astigmatism can all be solved through lasik eye surgery.

Before getting lasik a patient is examined by their eye doctor. During the examination pictures of the cornea will be taken to see what corrections need to be made. The overall health of the patient and patient’s eyes are also considered when deciding if a person is a good lasik candidate. Any conditions, such as dry eye syndrome, may affect a persons ability to get lasik.

After lasik the patient can go home and within a few days is usually recovered enough to resume daily routine activities. Most people experience success and will see clearly right after the surgery. Some people may experience side effects like night time vision problems and light sensitivity. Rare side effects like infection can also occur, but most often can be avoided by following doctors orders.

Lasik is a fairly new procedure and long term data has not been studied. Some people do require the use of reading glasses as they age even though they have received lasik and achieved good results. The patient should discuss all concerns and expectations with their surgeon before the lasik procedure to ensure they completely understand the process and outcome possibilities.

CyberEye Motion Detection Camera

With our economy slowing down, burglaries are up and you run the risk of someone else wanting to take your stuff for their own. While burglary rates have been declining recently, they still number about 25 per 1,000 households. It makes sense to have some sort of motion detection camera set up in your home or your office to catch any intruders.

The definition of burglary is the unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence. Burglary usually, though not always, involves theft. The punk is usually strung out on drugs and does not work, and needs money to support their habit. The use force to break into your home or office by breaking a window or slashing a screen. They can also enter through an unlocked window or door. Whatever way they use to gain entrance to the building, as long as they have no legal right to be there, a burglary has occurred.

Also, the building need not be your home or office for a burglary to take place. Illegal entry of any garage, shed, or any other structure on the premises also constitutes a burglary. Burglary can even occur at a hotel or when you are on vacation, it’s still classified as a burglary.

Unless you have a security guard inside to watch your property 24/7, the simplest thing you can do is to have some type of surveillance camera in place to protect your property. If you can’t afford a multi-camera video surveillance system, there are a couple choices for single unit motion detection cameras that are self contained and can record pictures to internal memory.

One of the most economical choices is the CyberEye Infrared Digital Surveillance Camera. The CyberEye is a Motion Detection Camera that takes black & white photos, is completely self-contained, and with motion detection, the camera that will take pictures of whatever is in front of its lens, whenever motion is detected, day or night with it’s built in Infrared lights. The CyberEye can be set to record images at any rate between one and sixty seconds, up to 680 images before the memory is full.

Because the CyberEye is a tiny, self contained camera, you can set up anywhere in your home, office, or vehicle. You can point it out a window and it won’t affect the image. One interesting use is to put the CyberEye in your car to catch vandals who might be damaging it, or spraying graffiti on your fence. Simply activate the CyberEye up with the included remote control, and you can leave knowing your CyberEye Surveillance Camera will record any movement. If you have children or pets, they will trigger the motion detection, so it’s best to use this where your children don’t play.

To see your images, just plug the CyberEye into a TV or VCR, and then use the remote to scroll through the images to find the ones you are looking for. Then, you can record the images to the VCR, or you can use a Camcorder to record the images to tape, and then dump that into your computer so you can make a CD or DVD. It won’t connect directly to your PC, as there is no USB port. The images are stored in non-volatile memory, so you can’t loose them if your battery dies or the power goes out.

What Is Refractive Eye Surgery

Refractive eye surgery is a type of eye surgery that is used to rectify refractive errors of the eye and decrease dependency on corrective lenses such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Successful refractive procedures can reduce myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, and astigmatism or elongated corneas. A number of different procedures exist for refractive eye surgery depending upon the type and severity of the refractive error.

There are four main types of refractive eye surgery procedures: flap and photoablation procedures; corneal incision procedures; thermal procedures; and implants. Currently, the most common refractive eye surgeries involve the use of lasers to reshape the cornea.

Flap procedures involve cutting a small flap in the cornea so that the tissue underneath can be reshaped to correct the refractive error. LASIK, short for Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, is the most popular refractive surgery and is used to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The LASIK procedure involves using a microkeratome or IntraLase to cut a flap into the stroma, moving the flap out of the way, removing excess corneal tissue with an excimer laser, then replacing and smoothing out the flap. LASEK is best suited for individuals with thin or flat corneas. The LASEK procedure uses a small trephine blade to cut into the shallow epithelium, after which the eye is bathed in a mild alcohol solution to soften the edges of the epithelium. The flap is gently moved out of the way so that an excimer laser can remove excess corneal tissue, after which the flap is replaced and smoothed out. Epi-LASIK, like LASEK, involves a shallow cut into the epithelium, but makes use of epikeratome to create a thin epithelium sheet for removal instead of the harsher blade and alcohol.

Photoablation, the second stage in flap procedures, makes use of ultraviolet radiation to remove excess corneal tissue. PRK, or photorefractive keratectomy, was the original laser eye surgery procedure. PRK involves numbing the eye with local anesthetic eye drops, and reshaping the cornea by destroying miniscule amounts of tissue from the surface of the eye. The laser used, an excimer laser, is a computer-controlled ultraviolet beam of light. It burns cool so as not to heat up and damage the surrounding eye tissue.

Corneal incision procedures such as radial keratotomy and arcuate keratotomy use miniscule incisions in the cornea to alter its surface and correct refractive errors. Radial keratotomy, or RK, uses a diamond tipped knife to make a number of spoke-shaped incisions in the cornea. The result of the incisions is that the cornea flattens out, minimizing the effects of myopia. Arcuate keratotomy, or AK, is very similar to RK. The diamond knife is used to cut incisions that are parallel to the edge of the cornea, as opposed to the spoke-shaped incisions of the RK procedure. These procedures have been much less common with the emergence of laser-assisted refractive eye surgeries.

Thermal procedures use heat to correct temporarily hyperopic refractive errors, or farsightedness. The thermal keratoplasty procedure involves putting a ring of 8 or 16 small burns on the eye immediately surrounding the pupil. The application of the heat increases the slope of the cornea, making it steeper, through thermal contractions. There are two main types of thermal keratoplasty. Laser Thermal Keratoplasty, or LTK, is a no-touch procedure that uses a holmium laser. Conductive Keratoplasty, or CK, uses a high-frequency electric probe.

The final type of refractive eye surgery involves the use of implants. Implantable contact lenses, or ICL, can be used to correct severe levels of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The implants are actually tiny contact lenses that are inserted through a small incision in the side of the cornea. Implants are seated so they sit immediately in front of the eye’s natural lens just behind the cornea. ICL works in conjunction with the eye’s natural lens to refocus light on the retina and produce a crystal clear image.

Each of these procedures has its advantages and disadvantages, and not all individuals are suitable candidates for refractive eye surgery. Individuals who are interested in learning more about surgical options should contact their ophthalmologist for more information about these procedures, as well as inquire about other new cutting-edge procedures. Since ophthalmologic surgery is constantly growing and changing with emergence of new technologies and methods, there are always new techniques in development. As new equipment is developed and methods refined that can improve the success and minimize the side effects of refractive eye surgery, new procedures will emerge to replace outdated techniques.

What Is Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is the most prevalent corrective eye surgery. Scads of people have undergone laser eye surgery with a high success rate, often resulting in a significant improvement in vision. Laser eye surgery wields superlative technology and provides excellent results more often than not. Peruse this article to have a clear understanding of how this fabulous technology could help you.

The corneal tissue plays a major role in providing you crystal clear vision. Basically, light rays are refracted (bent) by the cornea so that they fall on the retina (a layer of light-sensing cells). In a patient with a refractive error, these light rays don’t exactly converge on the retina, and hence the patient’s view is rather blurry. Depending on how the rays are refracted, a person may suffer from nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Now, laser eye surgery aims to correct this error by carving the corneal tissue with the aid of a high-precision laser, the Excimer. After reshaping the cornea, the light rays fall on the retina and the patient can again experience crystal clear vision.

Laser eye surgery is the preferred choice for correcting several types of vision impairments. Since the surgery has gained popularity, you could easily find an experienced laser eye surgeon in your vicinity.

Laser eye surgery, like any other surgical procedure, does have its complications. However, unlike other surgeries, laser eye surgery has a minimal complication rate – a mere 5%. Therefore, laser eye surgery is a relatively safe and technologically advanced procedure.

Laser eye surgery does have a few side effects, such as eye irritation, under-correction, over-correction, and other minor complications. These normally wear off within a few weeks, and crystal clear vision is restored. Although rare, a few patients might require enhancement surgeries to accomplish accurate vision. All in all, laser eye surgery presents itself as a safe procedure, and is the choice of many.

After all, who wouldn’t want to throw away those awkward looking spectacles?

What Is Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, called blepharoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat from the upper and lower eyelids. Age, illness, and even heredity can result in puffy or drooping eyelids that cause individuals to look tired and worn out. In extreme cases, sagging eyelids may even interfere with vision. Eyelid surgery can correct this by removing extraneous fat and trimming sagging skin and muscle tissue. Once the incisions have healed and the swelling has gone down, eyes look rejuvenated, more alert, and youthful.

Selecting a reputable plastic surgeon is critical to a successful surgery. The surgeon you select should be Board Certified and have considerable experience with blepharoplasty. Once you have selected a surgeon, the initial consultation is very important. Make sure to bring detailed copies of your medical records, since the doctor will need to complete a medical history. The doctor will perform a close examination of your eyes and eyelids, including a vision exam, as well as discuss your goals for the surgery. Your surgeon will also use the initial consultation to go over the details of the procedure, the expected results, the risks, and the costs involved.

If you are considering eyelid surgery, it is important to thoroughly research the procedure, even if this just means talking over the details with your surgeon. Blepharoplasty is a relatively safe procedure, although like all other surgeries, you do run the risk of complications. When performed by a qualified surgeon, complications resulting from blepharoplasty are infrequent and typically minor. Minor complications may include temporary swelling of the eyelids, excess tearing, temporary blurred or double vision, tissue tenderness, sensitivity to light, and scarring at the site of the incision. More serious complications include infections and a reaction to the anesthesia used in the procedure. Occasionally patients find that they have difficulty closing their eyes after blepharoplasty. Most often this is a temporary side effect, although there have been reports of the condition becoming permanent. In rare cases, patients may experience a pulling down of their lower eyelids, called ectropion, which requires additional surgical procedures.

Most eyelid surgeries are performed under a local anesthesia which is used to numb the tissue and muscles around your eyes. Your surgeon may also give you a sedative, either orally or intravenously, to help relax you since patients are kept awake during the procedure. Under local anesthesia, you will not feel any pain but may experience some tugging or pressure during the surgery. In certain circumstances, some surgeons opt to perform blepharoplasty under a general anesthetic, in which case the patient is asleep throughout the entire procedure.

The surgeries typically last from 90 minutes to 3 hours, depending on how many eyelids are to be corrected. During the procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions along the natural lines of the eyelids – just under the eyelashes on the lower lids and in the deep creases of your upper eyelids. Excess fat is removed through the incision, and sagging muscle and skin are trimmed to neaten your appearance. Once the trimming is completed, your surgeon will use tiny sutures to stitch up the incision.

Once the surgery is complete, your surgeon will advise you on how to care for the incision. You will likely to be told to keep your eyes lubricated with an antibiotic ointment and take pain medication to control any discomfort you feel during the healing process. Cold compresses can be used to minimize swelling and bruising although patients will find that even with the compresses the swelling, tenderness, and bruising will be present for several days and may even last up to a month. Your eyes may tingle and feel gummy or dry for several days as well. Expect to return for a follow-up visit to your surgeon a few days after the procedure for a checkup and removal of your stitches.

Remember that the healing process takes time and it may be several weeks before you are completely recovered. In time the incisions will become less and less noticeable, fading into a thin white line that will be barely noticeable. The end result of the surgery though, should be brighter more alert eyes that make you look well-rested and youthful.

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome, also called Keratoconjunctivitis sicca or xerophthalmia, refers to a lack of lubrication and moisture in the eye. This is mainly due to a decrease in the tear production or an increase in the tear film evaporation. The typical symptoms of dry eye syndrome are burning and a subtle but constant eye irritation. The condition may also lead to inflammation of the frontal eye tissue.

There are several factors that may bring about dry eye syndrome. The condition is more common with older age, since tear production decreases with age. Dry eye as a syndrome may occur as a side effect of many medications. Harsh environmental conditions, such as a dusty or windy climate, may worsen the condition. Even your workplace environment, comprising of air conditioning or a dry heating system, may easily dry out your eyes. Insufficient blinking, such as, when constantly staring at a monitor screen, is another significant cause of dry eye syndrome.

The basic treatment for dry eye syndrome is to replenish the moisture content of the eye surface. To accomplish this, the ophthalmologist typically prescribes artificial tears, which are lubricating eye drops that aid in alleviating the symptoms of irritation and burning sensation in the eyes. Another treatment that goes one step further involves the application of Restasis (cyclosporine) eye drops, which effectively enhance tear production. A healthy diet, comprising of a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids, lowers the chances of contracting dry eye syndrome. Salmon, sardine, herring, and cod liver oils are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Patients wearing contact lenses need to take an extra precaution prior to the application of artificial tears. Specifically, it is necessary that the patient removes the contact lenses before using the eye drops. Moreover, the patient needs to wait 15 minutes or longer for the medicinal drops to take effect, and only after that can the contact lenses be worn again.

Dry eye syndrome is slightly more common in women than in men. A shocking 10-14 million people in the United States suffer from dry eye syndrome. The condition is more prevalent among those older than 40 years. An estimated 75% of the old-aged population shows signs of dry eye syndrome.

If you suffer from any of the above explained symptoms that depict the dry eye syndrome, please visit your doctor as soon as possible to avoid any complications.

What Is An Internal Eye Sty

An internal sty causes a red, painful swelling, but its location prevents the pus from appearing on the eyelid. A stye develops rapidly, producing an elevated, painful, red, swollen area on the eyelid.

Most chalazia develop further from the eyelid edge than styes. A sty is a bacterial infection that appears as a small bump along the edge of the eyelid. A sty resembles a pimple and is located at the edge of the eyelids. Chalazions usually occur farther from the edge of the eyelid than styes, and tend to “point” toward the nose side of the eyelid.

If the eyelash stye lasts for more than 3 days or the infection appears to be spreading, consult an eye doctor. A sty is an infection of one of the follicles from which the eyelashes grow. A problem that can occur along with, or be mistaken for, a stye is an inflammation or infection of the eyelid (blepharitis).

Discharge from the infection causes the well known symptoms of eyelids stuck together on wakening or having a “crusty” appearance. Your eye doctor may recommend replacing your contact lenses after the stye has healed to prevent recurrence or spread of the infection.

In some cases, however, an untreated stye may lead to cellulitis (a more widespread infection of the skin) of the eyelid. If the eyelash stye lasts more than 3 days or the infection appears to be spreading, consult your eye doctor.

The initial treatment for styes is usually warm compresses to the eyelid at least three or four times a day. In children who are susceptible to styes, gently cleaning the eyelid with a clean, warm washcloth can help prevent the pores from becoming clogged.

At first, a chalazion looks and feels like a stye: swollen eyelid, pain, and irritation. Resembling a pimple on the eyelid, a stye can grow on the inside or outside of the lid. As the stye grows, the eye may water and the eyelid may be painful. DO NOT attempt to squeeze a stye or any other type of eyelid bump. Facial edema may also be caused by a stye, or growth on the inner or outer eyelid.

After A Lasik Eye Surgery

Since LASIK was approved by the FDA in the early 1990’s, the procedure has grown to become the most widely-performed eye surgery in the United States. LASIK is a surgical procedure performed on the eye to correct an individual’s vision and reduce dependency on eyeglasses or contact lenses. LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, which literally means to “reshape the cornea from within using a laser.” The procedure has broad applications to treat refractive errors of the eye and can be used to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (an elongated cornea).

LASIK works by improving the ability of the eye to properly focus light. In a perfectly formed eye light entering the eye bends and directly hits retina, allowing the eye to produce a clear image. The majority of people, though, have imperfectly shaped corneas. Imperfectly shaped corneas do not properly refract the light on the retina, with the result that the viewed image is blurry and distorted. LASIK can correct these refractive errors by permanently changing the shape of the cornea. Once reshaped, the cornea is able to better focus light, eliminating the need for glasses or contacts.

LASIK patients will be given a detailed set of instructions to follow, beginning a few weeks before the procedure is to take place. It is critical that these instructions are followed if the surgery is to be a success. Patients wearing contact lenses will be advised to stop wearing their lenses anywhere from 2-4 weeks before the procedure, to give their eyes a chance to resume their natural shape. Certain foods, vitamins, beauty products, and medication can also affect the health of your eyes and may need to be avoided prior to LASIK. Failure to follow pre-operative instructions may result in a failed LASIK procedure, or the need to completely redo the surgery.

Patients remain awake and alert during surgery, although the doctor may administer a mild sedative to help keep the patient calm and relaxed. Numbing eye drops will be applied to the eye to serve as a local anesthetic. Since the eye’s natural tendency is to blink when it comes into contact with foreign items, it is necessary to secure the eyelids to keep them out of the way of the laser. This is done using an instrument called a lid speculum. Once the speculum is in place and the eye is cleaned, a small ring is placed on the cornea to apply a strong suction to the cornea. This part of the procedure can be a bit uncomfortable, but the strong suction ensures that the eyes remain immobile throughout the rest of the surgery.

Next a flap is cut into the cornea, leaving a small hinge to keep it attached to the eye. This flap may be made using a small razor sharp knife called a microkeratome, or by using a laser – also called IntraLase. The suction ring serves as a precise guide for the microkeratome to ensure that the flap is made cleanly and accurately. After the cut has been made the suction ring is removed and the flap is gently teased away from the cornea and peeled back (towards the hinge) to reveal the underlying stroma.

The doctor will then dry the eye and ask the patient to stare at a fixed light, without moving, until the end of the procedure. Once the eye is in the proper position, the excimer laser will be activated. The surgeon will have already programmed the laser to remove the precise amount of tissue from the exact location(s) on your eye before the start of the procedure. More severe refractive errors will require a longer laser treatment, since more corneal tissue will need to be removed. As the laser pulses a beam of light into the eye to remove the excess tissue from the eye, the patient will hear a ticking or zapping sound and may smell an odor similar to that of burning hair. Once the laser has ceased pulsing, the surgeon will replace the corneal flap on the eye and smooth it out to ensure no surface wrinkles develop.

Since an eye is vulnerable after LASIK, it is very important to take extra precautions to protect the eye during the healing process. The doctor will give the patient an eye shield to wear immediately after the LASIK procedure. This shield should be worn while sleeping to prevent a person from rubbing their eye and dislodging the flap. The eye shield also prevents a person from inadvertently putting any pressure on the eye. Antibiotic ointment should be used to prevent infection from forming, while eye drops may be used to keep dry and scratchy eyes well-lubricated as they heal.

The doctor will make a follow-up appointment to evaluate the patient’s eyes within 24-48 hours from the time of surgery. This will allow the physician to monitor the healing process, evaluate the eyes for any potential problems, and begin accessing the success of the LASIK procedure. After the initial follow-up appointment, the patient will be asked to return for regular visits every few weeks, then every few months, until such time that the surgeon is confident that the procedure was successful.

Keep in mind that LASIK is not a risk-free procedure and that not all individuals are good candidates for LASIK. If you are interested in finding more about this procedure, contact your ophthalmologist and request an appointment.

What Eye Problems Result From Albinism

Albinism refers to a group of inherited conditions. People with albinism have little or no pigment in the eyes, skin and hair. Besides looking different, which may cause social problems, albinos also have various impairments. In the most severe form of albinism (called oculocutaneous albinism), those affected appear to have hair, skin, and iris color that are white or pink as well as vision defects. This article mainly concentrates on the eye problems resulting from albinism. The eyes need melanin pigment to develop normal vision. Because of that people with albinism have impaired vision. The skin also needs pigment for protection from sun damage so albinos sunburn themselves very easily and have increased risk of getting skin cancer. Less common types of albinism can also involve other problems.

Albinism often results extreme farsightedness or nearsightedness and astigmatism. Sight can be improved with glasses, however, normal or near normal vision is unusual even when glasses are worn.

Other common eye impairments include nystagmus and strabismus. Nystagmus is an involuntary movement of the eyes back and forth. One way how some people cope with this problem is by using a head tilt. This decreases the movement and may improve vision. For nystagmus treatment eye muscle surgery is also an option however this does not help in all cases.

Strabismus means that the eyes do not fixate and track together. In some cases the alignment of the eyes improves with the wearing of glasses. Young children are sometimes thought to use the non preferred eye more. This is done by patching the other eye. However treatment cannot correct the improper routing of the nerves to the brain.

Photophobia also is a frequent disorder. In the case of photophobia the eyes are very sensitive to the sun. This can be coped with by wearing dark classes when exposed to the sun.

Albinism treatment mainly aims to ease symptoms and depends on the extent of the disorder. The skin and eyes must be protected from the sun. Sunglasses (UV protected) may relieve photophobia. Sunburn risk can be reduced by avoiding the sun, by using sunscreens and covering completely with clothing when exposed to sun. Sunscreens should have a high SPF (sun protection factor).

What Bacteria Causes Eye Styes

Styes are caused by staphylococcal bacteria. This disease appears due to debilitated condition of the system. An Eye stye occurs when staphylococcal bacteria infect one of the tiny glands at the base of the eyelid hairs and then becomes inflamed. A chalazion can sometimes be mistaken for a stye.

A chalazion or stye is a small lump on the eyelid due to a plugged oil gland. This can occur on any eyelid. The eyelids contain many oil producing glands called meibomian glands. In some people, these glands become plugged, much like a pimple might develop on the skin. This is not related to any disease and is not harmful to the eye or vision.

Sties are the result of an infected oil gland at the base of the eyelash. You can get more than one sty at a time or several in succession because the infection can spread from one hair follicle to others. Infection can occur, for example, when a contaminated mascara or makeup brush gives bacteria a free ride into the oily pores along the lashes.

To help prevent styes, internal hordeola, and chalazia, which are minor problems of the eyelid:

1. Do not rub your eyes. This can irritate your eyes and spread infection.
2. Protect your eyes from dust and air pollution by wearing safety glasses when outside, particularly when doing dusty chores like raking or mowing the lawn.
3. Avoid areas where dust and air pollution are heavy.
4. Replace your eye makeup, especially mascara, at least every 6 months. Bacteria can grow in makeup.
5. Treat any inflammation or infection of the eyelid (blepharitis) promptly. If you do not, the infection may spread to the oil glands of the eyelid and cause a stye.

Eye Stye Remedies
Chalazions may be treated with any one or a combination of antibiotic or steroid drops or injections; warm compresses for 5 to 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day; gentle massage to express the glandular secretions; or surgical drainage. Chalazions usually respond well to treatment, although some people are prone to recurrences and may require continuing medication.

Vision After LASIK Eye Surgery

You might have come across eye centers touting outrageous offers of “20/20 vision or your money back”. The whole concept of 20/20 vision has been ballyhooed immensely when it comes to laser eye surgery. In essence, the value 20/20 refers to a way of measuring visual acuity via the Snellen eye chart – the same old alphabet chart that you might have seen at a nearby eye care center. As an instance of Snellen measurement, people with 20/40 vision can see clearly at 20 feet what people with 20/20 vision can see clearly at 40 feet.

With the latest technological advancements in laser eye surgery, the conventional LASIK procedure has been augmented with superlative techniques like wavefront LASIK, and its add-on, iris registration. With such enhancements there is an even greater chance of 20/20 vision relative to that with conventional LASIK. By wielding wavefront technology there is a great, around 95%, chance of 20/20 vision. However, with the iris registration technology, the possibility of 20/20 vision skyrockets to an overwhelming 99%.

20/20 vision is what you aim for while undergoing any type of refractive surgery – it’s used as a benchmark. However, some people hold a somewhat dissenting opinion about 20/20 vision, as far as laser eye surgery is concerned. The argument put forth is that visual quality matters more than visual acuity. As is evident from a number of cases, laser eye surgeries, for instance LASIK, have potential complications. A patient might experience blurry vision, halos, ghost vision or double vision, glare, and starbursts surrounding light sources at night.

Normal vision is crisp and sharp. But after laser eye surgery, a person might have to deal with debilitating side effects, which typically diminish vision quality. Though the patient might still be able to decipher a 20/20 line on the Snellen chart, the vision might be blurry. Unless the complications subside, eye surgeons’ famous promise of 20/20 vision is merely a myth.

In general, the degree of refractive error and the pupil size are the only criteria while determining the candidature of a patient for laser eye surgery. Most patients are not tested on other grounds, such as contrast sensitivity, glare and depth perception. The data pertinent to such aspects is fairly anecdotal. A comprehensive preoperative test regime is necessary for achieving authentic 20/20 vision (with enhanced vision quality) after laser eye surgery.

If you find a LASIK surgery that you are confident with, you will be able to get more information about 20/20 vision.

Hidden Costs of Lasik Eye Surgery

It is very important to choose an experienced LASIK surgeon in order to make sure that your Lasik eye surgery is done effectively and with the correct safe guards, remember it is your eyes if anything goes wrong. Quite often Lasik eye surgery centers that are offering discounts attract a lot of patients, but beware of such centers because sometimes they may try to hide the actual cost and just display the charge for part of the procedure. After getting your surgery, you might find that there are a lot of other additional charges such as for consultations, follow-up care, etc. As a result of this your total bill could well exceed the amount that an honest well-experienced Lasik surgeon would have charged in the first place!

In this article, I have listed a few points that you should consider when it comes to the cost of Lasik eye surgery.

1.Do not get caught by the non-refundable deposit gimmick. These are nothing more than a ploy to get you hooked. If you do pay before hand you may find it is really a fee to learn the details of the surgery that the Lasik eye surgery center offers. It doesn’t matter if you find out later that the center is not a good one, they have got your money and if you decide not to go ahead with the surgery there is no refund. Always remember that reputable Lasik eye surgery centers will never ask for any fee to give you the necessary details about their procedures and practices.

2.You must make sure that the advertised cost is for the entire procedure including all preparation and after care. The cost must not be only for a part of procedure. Otherwise you might find that the actual bill will be a much higher amount than you were quoted.

3.You must make sure that the low cost of Lasik eye surgery being advertised covers the follow-up care as well. The follow-up care visits shouldn’t be restricted to just one or two. It should also include any problem that might arise following the surgery.

4.Also make sure that the low price includes all the necessary medical care for up to one year after your surgery. If any additional fees are charged then make sure you are aware of what they will be.

The overall cost of Lasik surgery is reasonable and is falling as more people have this type of eye surgery. Rather than going to the discount surgeries it is always recommended that you go to a reputable eye surgeon in order to get the best results.

Don’t worry, you will not be overcharged, also most surgeons now have payment plans available to fit even the most restricted budget.

Queer Eye

1. Show your passion.

The Queer Eye Boys are into what they do. You can tell. Their show has such a different feeling than the spin-off *Queer Eye for the Straight Girl* which lacks chemistry and authenticity. The synergy between the hosts and guests comes through when you connect to the host and audience through your passion. Things come alive. I hate that saying, *If you can’t be sincere, fake it until you can.* That’s such a cop out.

It’s like all this new veneered furniture with one thin layer of real wood masking pressboard or
plywood. Yuk. Are you telling me you can’t tell the difference between what is solid and what is fake? In *The Practician’s Manual of Legerdemain* Ottawa Keyes says, *When it comes to the requirements for pleasing an audience, all the knowledge and instruction and apparatus in the world is worth less than one ounce of soul.* Ain’t it so?

2. Be cheeky.

When Carson, the head Queer Eye guy says, *Is it hot in here or is it just you?* and then almost licks some shirtless hottie blond boy we’re right there with him. Yup, temperatures are rising. He makes us laugh and sweat at the same time. Loosen up a little and see what happens. Be playful. Say something a bit dangerous. Or better yet, DO something dangerous.

3. Give good tips.

After each segment the boys give their take-home tips. These are little gems that help you remember to properly tame your tangles, manage your manners, or bolt your belt at just the right angle. Provide your audience with saucy soundbites that linger so they can keep enjoying you. Give them solid ideas that they can implement asap. I’ve come to think that it’s not the big idea but the minutiae that is most important. Take your ideas down to the smallest level of detail so they are easy for people to implement.

4. Show tangible visible results.

Visible transformations make audiences swoon. Can you do a before and after? In one show the *boys*
helped a balding man who was married to his toupee give it up. His wife and his kids hadn’t seen his head without the fake hair for many years. His willingness to finally be *seen* was dramatic. His transformation was both inner and outer. These kinds of transformations keep audiences spellbound. Think about how you can devise one for a show you want to be on.

5. Have fun.

What makes Queer Eye so great is that everyone has such a grand time. What good is all the publicity in the world if you dread it? M. Scott Peck says *The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.* If you can let go of the outcome (no matter how important–because those are the hardest ones to let go of), you will free yourself to have a good time, anytime, anywhere, with anyone. What could be better?

Initial Lasik Eye

The first significant step before the Lasik surgery is to have a comprehensive eye examination, in order to be sure that you are a good candidate for the Lasik procedure. A map of your eye will be created during this exam. This map is used in order for the Lasik physician to determine how to reshape your eye to give you the clearest post-operative vision possible.

This eye exam will do several things. Your eyes will be dilated in order to see if there are any irregularities within the eye itself. The thickness of the cornea will be measured, and a precise map of the cornea will be generated. The “refractive error” (or the reason why your vision isn’t currently perfect) will be accurately analyzed in order for the Lasik procedure to get the best results possible. Finally, how your eyes generate tears will be closely looked at, as good tear production is essential for the health of every eye.

Before or after these measurements, the Lasik physician will discuss your past medical history to see any previous operations or any ongoing health problems. A few chronic conditions may make the Lasik procedure not a good option for some people, and also women currently expecting should wait for some time after delivery. The physician also will discuss the expectations the Lasik client has about the operation and subsequent changes in their lifestyle.

Though most people pass through this Lasik eye exam with flying colors, be prepared for some suggestions or serious discussion. Your eye map may indicate that a newer form of Lasik procedure might be better, such as one that generates a three dimensional waveform for each eye. Tear production issues may indicate that the Lasik procedure is not the best option for you, and the Lasik physician may recommend another solution.

If all goes well and the Lasik procedure is scheduled, the physician will review the treatment plan and what the client should do to prepare for the Lasik surgery. This plan may vary slightly between patients, but in general will look something like the schedule below. Always follow the recommendations of your Lasik physician closely.
First, contact lenses should be avoided for several weeks prior to Lasik vision correction, since contacts can slightly affect the shape of your cornea. It is important to let your eyes rest in order to get the most accurate Lasik vision improvement possible. Hard contacts should be avoided for a month, soft contacts for at least two weeks.

Stop using any lotions, makeup, or anything else that could possibly get into the eye the day or two before surgery. It is important to have your eyes as rested as possible before the Lasik operation. Also, arrange for someone else to drive you home after the Lasik procedure itself.

These are the most common steps to prepare you for an easy and successful Lasik procedure. Make sure you give the doctor all information needed for your case, and follow his directions closely. The Lasik procedure will give you a new outlook in life!


How many times you have been complimented for your skin or your beautiful face by your friends? Someone must have even suggested that you try your hand at modeling? But you may not have the confidence to apply as a model at an agency in your area? So how do you go about? Why not apply online at Lookoftheyear. The site is the perfect place from where you can take the first step towards modeling and climb up the ladder. And the price stakes are also very high.

The winners of the online beauty contest stand to win $10,000 each. The participants are divided into various categories depending on the age group and sex. The categories are Girls 14-19 – Girls 19+ – Boy 14-19 – Boys +19.

And you don’t have to get disappointed even if you don’t stand to win from the thousands of participants from across the world. You can just wait for a modeling agency to pick you up for a test. Modeling agencies from across the world log on to Lookoftheyear and look through the profiles for boys and girls. If they find you interesting, you may soon receive a call from one of them. You can let modeling agencies from different countries to have a look at your profile. You just have to enter important information such as your name, sex, age, vital statistics and post your photo and soon enough you may start receiving calls from modeling agencies. Hence we see that Lookoftheyear can fetch you the best contacts in the modeling world in a short period of time.

Imagine what you can do with $10,000 in case you win the contest in December. Along with the money for being the winner you will get loads of offers and these will really help you to kick start your modeling career. Hence do see to it that you make your profile as interesting as possible. You can also do some research on the internet as to what exactly are modeling agencies looking for when they want to select a model. You can then prepare according to their expectations.

So do have a look at Lookoftheyear today itself and join it as soon as you can. The more the number of days your profile is on the site, the more are your chances are for winning the $10,000 coveted prize. Also you can become popular and famous too with other members and modeling agencies if you start early. You may soon enter the top rated participant’s area if you really do well. The website displays the top rated participants from different age categories which changes regularly when another member becomes more popular.

Ways To Improve Your Eyesight

It’s been said that ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ but have you given any thought to those eyes which help you capture this beauty. By adopting various patterns of life we can give your eyes a much needed boost. Bringing changes in your lifestyle and in your eating habits will help you see your eyes in a new light.

Food and Diet

• Consuming good amount of apple and grapes helps in improving your eyesight.

• Vitamin A is very good for enhancing your eyesight. Carrots have good quantity of vitamin A which proves to be one of the useful natural treatments.

• Cucumber juice does wonders for your eyesight as it tries to improve it immensely.

• Add spinach in your daily diet as Spinach contains iron, vitamin A, B and C. It purifies your blood, increases the hemoglobin and improves your eyesight.

• You can find good source of vitamin A in turnip, milk cream, fresh milk, cheese, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, soya beans, green peas, oranges and dates.

• An ayurvedic medicine name Triphala is considered to work immensely in favor of your eyes.

• Consuming blueberry juice also considered to be very useful for your eyes.


• Close both the eyes very tightly by shutting the lids firmly. Open them suddenly which allows you to feel the stretch. Once open arch your brows and stretch your face. Repeat this several times a day.

• Look as far as possible and inhale then look down as far as possible and exhale. Blink your eyes more than dozen times. Do the same procedure by turning to your left and right then diagonally up to left, down to right, up to right and down to left followed by rapid blinking.

• Rotate your eyes in all the directions. Slowly and steadily concentrate one eye at a time. Do this exercise more than dozen times and try doing this with your eyes shut.

• By using palming which can be stated as a revised version of the thousand-year-old yoga tradition known was Hatha Yoga. It relieves strain and stress from your mind and eyes which needs the required break. For this you have to warm your hands by rubbing them together vigorously. Once it’s warm cover the eye without touching the eyelids. This relaxes the nerves and helps in blood circulation.

• You can also try sunning which means to use sun’s light for your eyes. Move your head from side to side for the heat to benefit the eyes. After a while try stretching the eyes to allow more sunlight to your eyes. Directly looking at the sun is never good. It is great method to reduce light sensitivity.

• Perform Netra Basti which is bathing your eyes with clarified butter to reduce eye strain and to improve eyesight.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.


Traditional LASIK surgery achieves a simple correction of focusing power by reshaping the cornea with the aid of a laser. Wavefront LASIK is a variation of that conventional procedure and accomplishes a spatially varying correction based on readings from a wavefront sensor. In essence, a wavefront sensor measures the eye itself. It detects any aberrations by directing a weak laser source into the eye, and by sampling and processing the reflection off the retina.

Wavefront measurements reveal the irregularities of the lens, which cause optical aberrations (any deviation from a desired perfect planar wavefront). Wavefront custom sculpts the cornea to accomplish corrected vision. In many ways, Wavefront offers better results than traditional LASIK. The procedure is carried out by an ophthalmologist, with the aid of sophisticated computer-controlled equipment.

LASIK has certain potential side effects including halos or glare, which are caused due to induced spherical aberration. Wavefront has helped reduce instances of such cases where patients complain of post-operative halos or glares. A drop in such complaints is owing to the precise measurements provided by the wavefront sensor.

Thus Wavefront can help achieve a more optically perfect eye, since the corneal tissue area to be carved is measured more precisely using advanced technology and tools. But, wavefront aberrations are not the sole cause for all types of vision impairments. Therefore, Wavefront LASIK should not be treated as a panacea for all kinds of vision defects. However, eye surgeons claim that a great deal of success has been accomplished in patient satisfaction, relative to earlier refractive surgery procedures.

Though wavefront technology has been used for years by astronomers who require adjusting their telescope optics, its application to human vision has been discovered only recently. It’s true that Wavefront is a superior procedure, but it’s certainly not required by or suitable for everyone. It is imperative that you go through an elaborate wavefront diagnostic to determine if you are a potential candidate for it.

Vitrectomy Recovery

They eyes are very sensitive. I cannot imagine anyone not cringing at the thought of eye surgery. Anyone who has experienced a vitrectomy will have experienced what it is like to have partial sight. So, vitrectomy recovery is something which needs your very careful attention, if you want to achieve the best possible results from your eye surgery.

A vitrectomy is a procedure to remove the vitreous from the eye. The vitreous is a colourless gel-like substance which fills the space behind the len of the eye, and is attached on all sides to the wall of the eye, the lens and the retina.

The vitreous must remain clear to maintain a clarity of vision, and if anything causes the vitreous to lose clarity, then a vitrectomy can be performed to remedy the situation and to try and improve the quality of vision for the patient.

A vitrectomy can also be performed if any damage occurs to the retina, such as a detachment or a tear. In such cases it is common for a gas bubble to be inserted into the eye. The gas bubble will, over time, be absorbed into the eye, but during the period of recovery from eye surgery, it will, with correct head placement, act to press the retina back against the eye wall. This is a critical part of vitrectomy recovery.

Many hospitals will provide a special head rest that allows the patient to rest in a chair with the eyes pointing directly down. The benefit of this is that the gas bubble floats upwards and presses against the retina, ensuring that gentle pressure is applied to the retina to aid recovery. The same head rest can be adapted for use at night so that the patient can sleep face down, ensuring that the gas bubble is pressed against the retina overnight.

This technique of head rest is known as ‘posturing’. The duration of this technique depends on the advice of the surgeon, but could be anything between five and fourteen days. After my surgery, I was told that I had to adopt this posturing position all day every day, with only 10 minutes in each hour to stretch my legs etc. I was able to get by by listening to music and listening to talking books during the day, but it was most problematical for me, at nighttime.

Sleeping on one’s front may not pose problems for everyone, especially with a head rest to keep your head in the appropriate position. I however, suffer from discomfort in the small of my back, and lying in this position became excruciating after an hour or so. The advice I received was to take pain killers, so that the posture could be held for as long as was necessary to maintain the correct recovery position.

I overcame the problem largely through the use of large numbers of pillows under my chest and midriff which had the effect of alleviating the pressure in the small of my back.

Vitamin A

You may have heard from your grandma that eating carrots can improve you vision. That may not be exactly true, but carrots do contain something called provitamin A carotenoids. These are pigments in some plants that can be converted by the body into vitamin A, and vitamin A is important to your vision.

Vitamin A is also helpful to bone growth and your immune system. As with other vitamins, there are different forms of vitamin A. One of the forms that is most usable to the body is called retinol, and it can be found in liver, eggs, and milk. One of the most common provitamin A carotenoids that the body converts easily to retinol is beta carotene, and it is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and cantaloupe. Vitamin A is also one of the vitamins often used to fortify breakfast cereals.

Vitamin A is fat soluble, which means that the body stores it, mostly in the liver. That also means that it is possible to build up toxic levels of it in the body. This rarely happens from food sources because as the body builds up supplies of vitamin A, it will slow down the processing of beta carotene conversion to vitamin A. When people do get vitamin A toxicity, it is usually from taking too much in supplemental, or pill, form. Toxic levels of vitamin A can cause liver problems, central nervous system problems, deterioration of bone density, and birth defects.

True deficiency of vitamin A is rare in the US, but common in countries where malnourishment is widespread. As mentioned earlier, vitamin A is important to the immune system and vision. This is because the body uses vitamin A to make various internal tissues, such as those lining the eye, lungs, and intestinal tract. When these linings are weakened by vitamin A deficiency, it is easier for harmful bacteria to penetrate them and thus, people with vitamin A deficiency are more prone to infections, illness, blindness, and respiratory problems.

Aside from the malnourished, other people who may be prone to vitamin A deficiency include those who consume large amounts of alcohol and those with certain metabolic disorders that affect how fat and other nutrients are absorbed by the body.

Some recent and ongoing studies involving vitamin A and beta carotene include investigations as to whether high amounts of vitamin A contribute to osteoporosis, and whether beta carotene can lower the risk of some forms of cancer.

Vision Loss

Probably the eyes are the most noticeable part of the face in any human being. The eyes are said to be the “windows to our soul.” It is obvious how valuable our eyes are in everyday life. Our eyes are invaluable assets that must be used every single day at home and at work. They start to work from the moment we wake up — to the time we close them to go to sleep.

The stresses of our jobs and even duties at home can also put a strain on our visual system. The use of glasses and contact lenses and the natural wear and tear that comes with the aging process can leave our eyes red and tired. It is true that our eyes are among the most neglected organs in our body.

True enough, our eyes are the most used “appliance” in our working body, and as such, they also suffer the most. Headaches related to eye fatigue are also common among people who work long hours reading or working in front of the computer. Excessive watching of television is also a leading cause of eye strain and other vision-related problems. Those who overwork their eyes often suffer from visual migraines.

Since the eyes are such integral part of our existence, proper care is needed to protect them. Having an annual eye exam is specifically recommended to prevent any eye diseases. In addition, many eye diseases start in childhood, so it is important for children to receive proper eye care treatment from the time they are still infants.

According to research, there is a continuous case of vision loss in the world today, but half of all blindness can be protected. The goal of an annual exam is to minimize the adverse effects on the eye and the vision to prevent it from getting worse. But there are certain signs that can detect if you are suffering from vision loss, check out below if you have any of these:

· frequent eyeglass prescription changes
· difficulty in recognizing people
· holding books or reading materials too close to the eyes
· bumping into objects
· finds lightning either too bright or too dim
· acts disoriented or confused

If you, or one of your loved ones are experiencing any of these, consult an eye doctor immediately. Many forms of vision loss are preventable if tracked down early. Keeping yourself in good health and taking necessary precautions to care for your eyes will go a long way. A regular eye examination will help you detect possible eye diseases and prevent blindness.
Many eye diseases, if detected early, can be successfully treated. You can lessen the risk of eye disease and vision loss if you follow the following tips:

· Eat healthy food
· Do some eye exercise regularly and stay active
· Control your cholesterol levels, blood pressure or other health problem
· Quit smoking

So, protect your eyes and those of your loved ones. Overall health care involves undergoing annual eye examinations. The eyes you have will be yours forever. Treat them right and they will never be out of sight.

Understanding Red Eye in photos

Why are eyes red in photos?

Red-eye is a phenomenon that happens only when taking photos using a flash. When taking photos in day light or when in high ambient light scenarios people’s eyes look normal. When taking pictures in low ambient light scenarios using a flash the result many times is redness in the people’s eyes.

The reason for the color red is simple – when flash light from the camera hits the eyes it penetrates and is reflected back from the retina. The color of the reflected light is red because the light is actually reflected from the red blood in the retina.

In some scenarios the red-eye is evident while in others it is mild or doesn’t seem to appear at all. One of the main factors for that is the state of the pupils. If the pupils are dilated (for example the pupils dilate in darkness or when drinking alcohol) more light is reflected back from the retina and the eyes in the photo appear redder.

Common way to reduce red-eye

The most commonly used method to reduce red-eye is activating the camera’s built-in red-eye reduction feature. The red-eye reduction feature is very simple yet effective. When turned on the camera shoots a series of pre-flash strobes followed by one more strobe when actually taking the photo. The pre-flash strobes cause the pupils to reduce in size and by the time the photo is taken the pupils are small enough for the eye redness to substantially reduce.

The red-eye reduction feature does what it is supposed to do: reduce the red-eye effect but almost never is it completely prevented. There are many limitations to this feature for example pupils reaction time to light can vary. In addition this feature can have a side-effect that results in photos having people’s eyes closed. The reason is that the pre-flash strobes blind the people and cause them to close their eyes.

Other ways to prevent red-eye

Understanding what causes red-eye helps being more creative in preventing it. Following are some ways to prevent red-eye other than using the built-in camera red-eye reduction feature:

Increasing the light where photos are taken (for example by turning on the lights in a room before taking photos of people) causes people’s pupils to reduce in size and eye redness to reduce.

Point the flash away from the eyes. Since red-eye is caused by flash light reflected from the retina the best way to prevent red-eye would be to eliminate such reflection as much as possible. In most cameras the angle between the flash and the lenses is narrow (this is especially true for built-in flash and pocket cameras) causing most of the flash to bounce back from the retina to the lenses. Increasing the angle (for example by using an external flash) reduces the reflected light. You can also use a bounce flash – by having the flash light bounce off a bright surface (a white wall or a professional reflector) most of the direct reflection from the retina can be eliminated.

Red-eye can also be removed after photos were already taken by using photo processing software on your PC. Most digital cameras include a CD with PC software that embeds this feature. Although this method doesn’t eliminate the red-eye from the source it can result in a practically red-eye free photo. Some software are better than others some are manual while others automatically identify the red-eyes and process that area to revert to normal eye colors.

Ufo Research

“What is truth?” Thanks to inclusion in the Bible of a confrontation between Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ, this question or answer is possibly the most famous statement ever made on the subject. Pilate’s definition of truth was whatever suited his agenda. That definition is still used for the same purpose by many today.

The subject of UFOs and Aliens may or may not reach the eternal importance of the argument between Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ depending on who you talk to, but the search for the truth about them receives the same manipulation. For example, when UFO Organizations meet for conferences and symposiums, they often hang banners that say, “The Truth is Out There” or “Searching for the Truth.” But what truth are they looking for?

I was an avid reader of books about unidentified flying objects, extra-terrestrials and other paranormal phenomenon as an adolescent. When I began my own paranormal research and investigation as a teenager, I decided to be as objective as possible. The truth I was looking for was less theory and more facts. Facts are objective until we decide to interpret them.

Today, many UFO researchers view the phenomenon as a buffet table. They pick and choose what they decide is credible and throw out the rest. Their search for the truth only includes those facts that they can or will accept. I can’t tell you how many important cases came my way (and still do) because others in this field simply turned their noses up at the source or nature of the information.

I am not going to tell you that I initially appreciated, believed or even liked some of the cases or individuals that I have investigated over the years. I am also not going to tell you that everything reported to me always turned out to be true. Instead, I’ll tell you that it is a mistake to prejudge information based on some pet theory or desire to retain a certain image for yourself or your organization.

Sometimes I believe that the original mainstream UFO organizations invented the idea of political correctness. Blasted by the press and scolded by scientists, most decided that if you can’t beat them, join them. They began to pander to reporters, journalists, scientists and skeptics. And not just pander.

It wasn’t long before the notoriously skeptical, often wishy-washy and always ideologically-driven scientific community became the litmus test for UFO evidence credibility. If a scientist could not find a way to fit the facts of any given case into some current scientific theory or model, it didn’t exist. The truth became whatever they said it was and the only information accepted the mainstream UFO research community was that which survived scientific sifting.

I am not the kind of person that believes there are no absolute truths and that life is one big grey area. However, I also believe that science is a long way from understanding the nature of those truths, being able to interpret them as a formula on a chalk board or reproduce them in a laboratory. Science is what we think we know about our existence. It provides a means for us to discover and use certain principles for better or worse. It should never be considered a final authority to judge what we believe to be true.

Most scientists ignore facts that go against their grain of established beliefs until those facts can no longer be ignored. It is process of knowledge and information forced one way or another by the whims and egos of academics. It’s Investigation by Debunking. Instead of proving something exists, let’s prove it doesn’t and whatever remains is worthy of consideration. It is, literally, backward thinking and exclusionary research.

Investigating paranormal or supernatural events requires something more than Debunking. It requires the ability to admit that not everything is always as it seems and sometimes things occur that are beyond our ability to immediately comprehend them. One of the greatest lessons that I have learned as a result of paranormal investigation is that anything is possible.

When I first began to investigate the Philadelphia Experiment, I was warned not to take it seriously by most in the field of UFO investigation. Although witnesses were few and scattered and the information seemed spurious, not all the news was bad. While denying that it ever occurred, the Office of Naval Research began an investigation in 1957 which involved people that became aware of it and the information they possessed. It’s always been my belief that if you wanted to find a buried bone, you should follow the dog that buried it.

While it’s possible that the ONR was simply unaware of the experiment and decided to take a look at the matter, it’s unlikely. Investigations on that level were not initiated without careful consideration and approval from superior officers in charge. The government interest in the Philadelphia Experiment was reason enough to begin following their trail. Part of that trail lead to Morris K. Jessup, an author and amateur astronomer that ended up dead under suspicious circumstances. And that was just the beginning.

The Philadelphia Experiment was said to have somehow involved UFOs and Aliens from the very beginning. Allegedly began as a World War II Navy Project to demagnetize ships against mines and make the vessels radar invisible, it progressed to a point where a ship became invisible, opened a door in hyperspace, traveled through time and returned. Alien contact was made somewhere along the way and their technology was eventually included in future projects based on those original experiments in the 1940s.

Despite the ONR interest, suspicious death of Jessup, alien involvement and other factors that made the experiment worthy of investigation, most in the establishment UFO research community chose to ignore it. I believe that choice was based largely on the opinion of scientists that lined up dozens deep to explain why it was simply wasn‘t possible to conduct such an experiment in the early 1940s. Today, many scientists are no longer arguing over the possibility of invisibility, time travel and mind control, they are busy arguing over which theory about these concepts makes the most sense and how much it will cost to build the equipment they will need to prove it.

Because they have placed their trust in shaky science, we have ended up with useless Ufology. Over the past thirty years I have witnessed various establishment UFO research organizations embrace cases with dubious photographic evidence and very little witness credibility simply because they couldn’t find a way to recreate the photos in a controlled environment. When these cases ultimately fell apart or someone found little UFO models in a garbage can, all UFO and paranormal researchers suffered a serious loss of credibility.

While embracing what seemed like obvious hoaxes to experienced UFO investigators, these same mainstream UFO research organizations and the individuals that hover around them where quick to denounce almost every government whistleblower that came along and all the cases they brought with them. The Roswell UFO Crash is a good case example.

In February of 1978, Jesse Marcel placed a phone call to a UFO researcher associated with several mainstream UFO research organizations. He told the researcher that he had seen and handled wreckage from the Roswell event. Marcel was certain this was not simply material from a weather or radar balloon. Little was done about this for a year until an author that knew the UFO researcher dug up some old news clippings about Marcel in February of 1979. At that point, the researcher took a more serious interest in the case.

The author was Bill Moore who ultimately published The Roswell Incident. He completed the manuscript for the book without having ever visited Roswell. It’s important to understand that Major Jesse Marcel was an intelligence officer directly involved with the Roswell UFO Crash. He had been making the claim that the Roswell material was not conventional since 1970. I can say with great surety that if I had been made aware of these claims, I would not have ignored them or waited until someone gave me a grant to investigate them.

Up until Marcel’s revelations about the possibility that a real Alien Spacecraft crashed near Roswell, NM, in 1947, the establishment UFO research community considered the matter case closed. They apparently accepted the government version of what happened and looked at the story as a legendary non-event that had been resurrected by a passing mention in a book by Frank Scully long after the incident actually occurred.

History repeated itself in 1997 when retired Army Colonel Philip Corso came forward and told his own story about the Roswell Crash. Corso was not just some guy off the street. Despite amazing credentials, the media portrayed him as just another UFO witness with a story that went against the government version of what happened.

Instead of immediately coming to Corso’s defense, most in the establishment UFO research community were slow to react and still fussing over a 1994 government statement which provided another one of many explanations for Roswell. This time high altitude balloons with crash test dummies were blamed for the UFO crash story. The only problem was that such tests weren’t actually conducted until years after the 1947 UFO crash. Corso probably had no idea that the only way to get noticed by mainstream Ufology was to make his story known to them first. Because he didn’t, their pundits attacked.

The Corso book was said to nothing more than a retelling of facts, theories and information already provided in books published by (you guessed it) researchers and authors associated with mainstream UFO research organizations. Of course the only ones that probably saw it that way were the pundits. From their standpoint, Corso should have contacted them, told his story and allowed them to write the book.

U.S. Government Whistleblowers like Robert Lazar, John Lear and Bill English all received the same treatment by the mainstream UFO research organizations. That treatment ran the gamut from being almost completely ignored, to barely tolerated to being largely discredited. Lazar had impressive academic credentials and was the former employee of a major government contractor, while Lear was an experienced Pilot with government connections and English had an impressive military background.

The truth is out there and we’re not going to find it by ignoring evidence or individuals that do not fit our agendas, belittling witnesses that happen to contact other UFO organizations or attempting to debunk evidence before we investigate it. The truth is only elusive to those who fail to understand that facts are objective under we try and shape them to fit our needs.

You can read more about the subjects mentioned in this article at http://www.UFOguy.com

Vision Problems Can Corrected

Visit this site to read an article from the FDA Consumer Magazine about laser eye surgery to correct vision problems. You will learn what types of vision problems can be corrected by laser eye surgery. Occasionally the vision through corrective lenses is actually worse after refractive or laser eye surgery than it was before. It usually has no effect on the final outcome of vision after laser eye surgery and can only be seen through an eye examination. Most patients notice improved vision within a few days after LASIK laser eye surgery.

LASIK laser eye surgery is can cause a loss of “best” vision with or without glasses at 1 year after surgery. Night vision treatment has become possible thanks to advances in laser eye surgery. LASIK refractive eye surgery provides vision correction by reshaping the cornea and changing its focusing power through the use of a laser. Improving vision without laser eye surgery. Accuvision provides laser eye surgery, laser vision correction and laser … This includes eye mapping, vision testing and medications related to the laser surgery. LASIK laser eye surgery patients often have good vision by the day after surgery. LASIK, or laser in-situ keratomileusis, is the most widely performed laser eye surgery for treating a wide range of common vision errors. Most reputable centers for eye laser surgery note that 20/20 vision from laser-corrected surgery may not be like 20/20 vision with corrective lenses.

The type of laser that is used in laser eye surgery is the Excimer laser. It is also the most expensive type of laser eye surgery. Finally, they answer some questions about laser eye surgery and decide if this type of operation is something they would consider for themselves. This type of corrective laser eye surgery is used to treat patients with open-angle glaucoma. This type of laser eye surgery is used to treat patients who have failed to respond to other types of surgery. However, if the eye disease manifests itself, there is one type of laser eye surgery that can be used: laser photocoagulation.

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of the laser eye surgery procedure, what can be expected, and possible complications. All in all, laser eye surgery is a potent procedure to correct a variety of refractive errors thereby enhancing a patient%u2019s visual acuity.

Clinicians wishing to undertake laser eye surgery should ensure that patients understand the benefits and potential risks of the procedure. Lasik, or laser eye surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The Wavefront laser procedure is carried out using computer aided equipment and doctors have reported improved eyesight results from Wavefront over traditional LASIK surgery.

With an exact map of the eye, they could precisely plan laser correction surgery, or create customized contact lenses, Olivier said. Bausch Lomb spokesperson Holly Houston said that the company is considering applications for both customized laser eye surgery and customized contact lenses. Around 100,000 people, tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses, undergo corrective laser eye surgery in the UK every year. Many people who have always worn glasses or contact lenses are now contemplating whether or not to have laser eye surgery. For some people, laser eye surgery means freedom from glasses and contact lenses.

Those considering laser eye surgery are often advised to have a full eye examination with an experienced surgeon. finding a LASIK surgeon LASIK LASIK has been the most widely performed and accepted form of laser eye surgery since it completed U.S. To gain the information you need to make a decision about Laser Eye Surgery, please consult with a plastic surgeon. During laser eye surgery, a surgeon uses a device called an Excimer Laser to change the shape of a patient’s cornea permanently. Finding a LASIK surgeon that you are confident about will be able to give you more information about laser eye surgery.

Doctors often recommend laser surgery before filtering microsurgery, unless the eye pressure is very high or the optic nerve is badly damaged. Medication following laser surgery In most cases, medications are still necessary to control and maintain eye pressure. Long-term benefits of glaucoma laser surgery Glaucoma laser surgeries help to lower the intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye. When laser surgery does not successfully lower eye pressure, or the pressure begins to rise again, the doctor may recommend filtering microsurgery.

have always been at the forefront of laser eye surgery earning an enviable reputation as THE clinic to … I’m hoping to get a referral for the laser eye surgery center affiliated w/my eye doctor’s clinic. Get your laser eye surgery done at a clinic that treats all kind of eye conditions not specialising in laser eye surgery. Lexum, which first performed laser eye surgery in 1993, performed 2,703 laser eye operations last year, according to clinic records. The clinic specializes in eye surgery, in particular laser eye surgery.

So you’ve checked it out, and you’ve found out that you are a viable candidate for laser eye surgery. Not everyone is a candidate for laser eye surgery. If you can prove that you have a stable prescription, you’re a good candidate for laser eye surgery. Initial readings are taken to determine whether or not they are a candidate for laser eye surgery.

Types Of Contact Lenses

There are two types of general contact lenses. Soft lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses are the two types of lenses. The rigid gas permeable is also known as RGP’s.

Soft contact lenses are easier to wear because they are more moveable than that of RGP’s. This makes them more comfortable to have in your eyes. The soft lens also allows oxygen flow freely to your cornea leaving your eyes feel better.

Rigid gas permeable contact lenses are sturdier and give you better sight making things look clearer. They have a longer life expectancy than that of a soft lens because of their durability.

The soft lens and rigid gas permeable both come in a disposable lens. The more popular of the two for disposable contacts is the soft lens. A disposable lens can have a life of seven to thirty days depending on the type and brand of the contact. However, disposable contacts are usually given to those that wear soft contact lenses.

There is also another category of lenses for those of you have a busy lifestyle and need your contacts almost all of the time. They are called extended wear lenses. These lenses are soft contact lenses because of the high demand of oxygen your cornea needs. There are however, a few RGP’s that can be worn as extended wear contact lenses.

There is one last category of contact lenses. These are known as specialized contact lenses and there are two of these. Orthokeratology-K, which is known as Ortho-K, helps to change the curve in your cornea helping them with temporary improvement with how your eyes see objects. Ortho-K is not a permanent fix. Without the Ortho-K lenses as a treatment your eyes would still and always keep the curvature of the cornea.

The second type of specialized contacts is decorative contacts. These contacts change the color of your eyes. They are also used for Halloween to make your eyes look creepy or weird to go along with the theme of your costume. These contacts do not help or change any type of eye problem you may have., but they still have the same risk factors as corrective lenses.

Anyone who wears contact lenses knows there is everyday care for your contacts and for your eyes that you should follow. Always have a pair glasses around to fall back on just in case you would lose a contact or the contact would start irritating your eyes. Washing your hands before putting your contacts in helps with reducing infection.

Another thing to do that can help ensure the safety of your contacts and eyes is to clean out your contact case every time lenses are out of their case. The cleaning of your case will help keep bacteria from growing where you store your lenses. These are just a few important ways to care for your contact lenses and especially your eyes.

Before getting any type of contact lens you need to see your eye doctor for an examination and a prescription for lenses. This will help you decide what types of contacts are best for you.

Things You Do Not Know About LASIK Eye Surgery

The eye can be examined with relative ease as to both its function and its structure. A functional examination includes the ability to move in the orbit and the reaction of the pupil to light and accommodation.

The function of the eye may be tested in several ways. The patient may be asked to identify illuminated letter or objects of varying sizes on what is known as the Snellen chart.

Conversely, the examination of the structural part of the eye may be made in several ways. Tension within the eyeball is measured by a “tonometer.” In certain diseases, especially in glaucoma, the tension in the eyeball is increased markedly.

However, it should be well remembered that a patient with an eye problem might have other problems as well. Often other physical conditions are primary and affect the eye as a consequence. The appearance of the eye can alert the patient and the physician to difficulties in some disturbances of other parts of the body even before other symptoms present themselves.

Consequently, one’s dependence on sight is emphasized when one faces a temporary or possible permanent loss of this vital sense. Hence, when corrective measures are sought, certain forms of vision correction such as contact lenses or eyeglasses are prescribed.

On the other hand, some people are bothered with the fact that they have some framed lenses or contact lenses in front of their eyes.

For this reason, advanced surgical operations were established to encourage decreased utilization of contact lenses or glasses. One of which is the now popular LASIK eye surgery.

Basically, LASIK eye surgery is the short term for “Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis.” Like its tangible counterpart, LASIK eye surgery is another form of vision correction. The only difference is that with this type of surgery, one’s vision is corrected permanently.

With LASIK eye surgery, the refractive errors in the cornea are permanently transformed. This can be done using an “excimer laser.”

The main purpose of this surgery is to create a threadlike, rounded “flap” in the cornea using a blade known as “microkeratome.” In a series of unfolding and laser processing, the cornea is finally reformed, allowing better the eye to direct more light into the retina.

Popularity vs. Disadvantages

Amidst the growing popularity of LASIK eye surgery, there are still disadvantages that people must know. Probably, the main reason why this type of eye surgery has become well accepted is because most of its cases had been successful.

However, in spite of its success, there are still some drawbacks. Here is the list:

1. It is an operation applied to the most sensitive part of the eye

Because LASIK eye surgery involves the operation of the retina, which is one of the most sensitive portions of the eye, most people say that the operation can be very risky.

In other words, a simple error could almost cause an individual’s lifetime blindness. Hence, it is important to consider many factors before deciding whether LASIK eye surgery is the right corrective measure one has to undergo.

2. It is not a perfect procedure

LASIK eye surgery may correct your vision but it does not necessarily mean that it can give you a perfect vision. Even if statistical reports show that 70% of the patients may have 20/20 vision, this does not necessarily mean they have ideal vision as well.

Given all these things, it can be deduced that, in spite of the popularity of the operation, LASIK may not always be the ideal eye surgery the way most people view it